You've reached the voice mail service for Lee Nicholas. I'm sorry I can't answer right now, but if you leave a message with your name and return number after the signal, I'll probably get back to you.
Feel free to drop a message here if you want to contact the muse or mun.
Choose one or a couple of these, and I'll do my best to write a drabble or ficlet with that prompt and my muse and your muse. Let me know if you have stuff to add to the request prompt
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Choose one or a couple of these, and I'll do my best to write a drabble or ficlet with that prompt and my muse and your muse. Let me know if you have stuff to add to the request prompt!
So, the author of this muse's canon, Tanya Huff, has both a livejournal (andpuff) and twitter (@ TanyaHuff). And sometimes when I'm nitpicky about canon details, I decide to ask
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